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Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 2016 Poetry A Day: Week 2/5

Week 2 of the Poem A Day challenge.  It's been a little harder to keep with it because I'm not adding these into my NaNo Camp project, at least not yet, but it's fun.  One of them might make their way into my NaNoWriMo project or another work (My Rock Falls series does have a few writers within.) So Monday's poem theme was distance.  Seriously, 2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 4 is to write a distance poem.  Upon reading this, my brain compared how I learned to tell distance with that of those who learned to use meters or miles.  Surprisingly, this poem gave me it's title before I even started letting it flow.

Varieties of Distance

They say distance makes the heart fonder

yet they contradict with

long-distance relationships won’t work

For distance between cities I’ve noticed

While several use miles and kilometers

Even more go by time

Distance works in length of songs, books, movies, too

But nothing is nearly as long

as the distance of a life

Nothing is as short either

For some life is ended at the start

Gone before they truly live

Others go beyond the distance of their life

Known generations later

For distance is just a measurement

2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 5 was actually a "two-prompt challenge."  He gave us the option to write an experienced or an inexperienced poem.  Since the word experience can refer to so many things, I have to agree with Robert Lee Brewer, the author of these posts, that this should provide a large selection of poems.  My attempt at an experienced/inexperienced poem is actually slightly influenced by the series Dancing With The Stars.  No, I haven't given it a title, but if you have suggestions, don't be shy.  Leave it in the comments!
They dance as gazelles run or grass waves
Magic leads every step
It’s so hard to know
just who is the professional and whom is new

Then there are those who
obviously have two left feet
stumbling, bumbling, and no sense of rhythm
dancing on a stage just to have fun

Does experience always matter
when you love what you’re doing
or when the story is so compelling
it makes a person forget the dismal dance they see

Day 6 was a bit harder for me to actually focus on.  Okay, so it was nearly impossible for me.  2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 6 was to write an "ekphrastic poem".  I'm so glad Brewer gave a definition for this and provides his own example of the poems.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that anything can be inspiration for a new piece of work.  In fact I couldn't tell you the number of times a picture I saw was the inspiration for a person or piece of work.  Look at my NaNo Camp project...it was inspired by a picture I took on my phone!  Either way, apparently an ekphrastic poem is inspired by a piece of art.  For mine I took a pic that I had saved to my husband's computer that had originally been shared by a friend (or was it group?) on Facebook.

Chained by a warrior
Of unrivaled power
She reeks of goodness
Though she appears dark

She seems almost calming
To the ghostly image 
Of a creature much worse
than any she'd known 

It came from a time
ere humans e'er lived
A time populated with
creatures more noble than she

The strength the pair exudes
The grace and nobility within
They eclipse all making night
seem like day and day like night

They overpower even Arthur
with his noble ideals and 
Knights of the Round Table
This flying creature and it's majestic captor

Apparently once again there was no title forthcoming from this poem.  Any suggestions are, as always, helpful.

2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 7 marked the end of the first week which is surprising as the month seems to be flying by.  This time the prompt is "Urban _________".  All I can think is 


Tracking in the sewers
City streets make no difference
This hunter is at home
in a bustling city or minuscule village

They have no need
of learning the ways of the wild
or patterns of the tides
Not when they can weave through a metropolis

They've learned to track in the merchant's home
or through a thieves'guild's den
The urban ranger is no tracker of the wild
they are the bounty hunter of the old days

2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 8 had a prompt that gave me a bit of a memorable trip.  He says to write a doodle poem.  So here's my attempt and a title as well!


I sit bored as I wait
Can't help myself 
On the blank page before me
I take a pencil and mark

The lines take a life of their own
the swirls expand to create
a picture of their own
A masterpiece from a doodle

I can't stop the connections
I can't remove the pencil
I don't remember why 
I was so bored before

For 2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 9, we were challenged to write a Hide Out poem.  As you'll see, my hideouts have never been in a physical place.  Likely they never will be. 


Pull the blanket over your head
Grab the flashlight from beside your bed.
Disappear a bit from a cruel, cruel world
Into one we know will end happily

It may take hours days, weeks or years
But through the tears a smile will emerge
As each journey ends A forced return
From the hideout that exists between the pages

The stories that are used to hide away
from cruelties of a modern world
Hidden from our injustices 
by following the heroes of other worlds

That's where my hideouts are
They're between the pages of stories
The images in daydreams 
My hideouts have never been on this physical plane

Yes, a library worked 
So would a bed or chair or even hidden room
They weren't where I disappeared to though
It was in the stories on the paper in my hands

It was the romance of the wild west
The adventures in far off lands
Mysteries that needed solving
These are still the hideouts I seek

Today is day 10 out of 30.  A third of the way through the challenge and while I might not have written them daily, I'm proud to say that I have written a poem so far for each challenge.  So today's challenge, 2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 10, the prompt was to write a poem about an emotion using said emotion for the title.  With the wealth of emotions and their synonyms available for usage, I think the option  are endless.  So, here's my attempt.  Hoping you enjoy it!


Until the end
Birth is its beginning
Intelligence unneeded
Love can cause it
As well as
Numerous other events
Transcending most emotions

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