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Sunday, June 28, 2020

IKEA and Covid-19

My husband and I realized we needed a new bookshelf recently.  We were going to just move the location of one of our current ones - the one located in the living room - when it decided it would no longer have any kind of sturdiness to it.  To give you a bit more information, we bought the bookshelf more than ten years ago and it has been in two homes previous to our current one as well as a mini storage unit for several months.  We then bought a second bookshelf of the same exact kind.  Both were Walmart units.  We've also got a really small shelf that our DVDs are currently on.  Finding out we definitely needed at least one new bookshelf/case, we thought we'd look around for a decent shelving unit, though we first thought we'd just get another from Walmart.  The issue is that on Facebook someone else had, on the same day we found out that our current large living room bookshelf would no longer be usable, posted a question about where to find a good, sturdy, and cheap new bookshelf.  IKEA and Walmart were both mentioned. 

My husband and I looked around online for a bit before I decided that we would be better off going to the store to see if we liked any of them in person.  I couldn't find any shelving units I liked for our books, but I was finding what looked to be some pretty neat media/entertainment centers.  So we agreed.  We would go to the brick and mortar store in St. Louis and if we didn't find something there we'd stop at some other furniture stores.  So, we get to the store and there's a decent-sized line to enter the building.  There are also signs reminding people that masks are required to enter the store.  Thankfully, we had looked over the store's policies before going and we tend to keep a few masks in the car for when we go to stores.  This would be our first trip to IKEA.  Ever.

The night before going I made sure to record measurements for the possible locations of the new bookshelf as well as if we found a better unit for our TV and it's related items.  I'm glad I did.  We spent maybe a half-hour waiting in line to enter the building.  Once in, it should be noted that there are hand sanitizer stations all over the place.  Literally, every section has at least one hand sanitizer station to help keep you safe.  During these days of constantly staying home, not everyone is getting all the workouts in which they perhaps used to.  If you have an idea of what you definitely need and decide to browse a little just in case you find some other things, then you might make up some of those missed workouts.  We managed to pick up a new shelf for our TV, a new bookshelf, a can opener, garlic press, lampshade, and a cover for the seat of our car that our dog has claimed as hers.  We've been planning on doing some rearranging of our furniture anyway, so it works out.  The really nice thing about our trip to IKEA is that we spent less than $350 and got a decent workout.  Those pieces of furniture in their boxes were not light. 

So, I just wanted to basically admit that we're doing fine despite being stuck mostly at home.  We aren't letting it get us down as we find that we need to change things.  But we don't make random trips just to get out.  I have had my books sitting on the floor for over two months.  We make the trip because we're planning on some old friends coming over for the 4th of July.  So now I've got this week to get everything set up for this next weekend - and we're still waiting for our new grill to arrive!  Since the 4th is on Saturday, I hope you guys all manage to enjoy the holiday weekend and stay safe!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Some Song Fun

So this showed up on my Facebook feed and I decided to use it for a blog.  I did use the internet after coming up with a song title, mostly so I could find a YouTube video for the song for readers who maybe aren’t aware of the song.  While I was trying to come up with these, I was listening to a video regarding ancestry so that may have helped gear my answers or possibly not.  After all, it wasn’t talking about music.  I may even have taken a break to do other things when I hit a wall thinking of song titles since I have issues remembering titles.

OK music lovers! This is fun, but hard! Answer each category with a song title. No repeats and don’t use the internet (it's tempting, but try not to). Go with the first song that comes to mind or fill in your favorites. Copy/paste then change the answers to your own (can’t steal mine). 🎶

Something to wear – Blue Suede Shoes (Elvis Presley)
Something to drink – Whiskey Lullaby (Duet can’t remember the artists)
An Animal - Hound Dog (Elvis Presley)
A Number   9 to 5 (Dolly Parton)
A Color   Red (Taylor Swift)
A Girl’s Name   Boy Named Sue (can’t remember)
A Boy’s Name   Danny Boy (unknown)
A Profession  The Gambler (Kenny Rogers)
A Flower- Edelweiss (unknown is in Sound of Music)
Day of the Week – Last Friday Night (Katy Perry)

So, it was definitely harder than I thought and I only got that last one because I started to listen to music videos on YouTube while trying to figure out what song I knew had a day of the week in it and at the same time of Last Friday Night, I thought of Rebecca Black’s Friday…I did happen to think of the country song IndependenceDay, but it calls for a day of the week, so I felt it wouldn’t actually count.  If you decide to give it an attempt, have fun.  I hope you come up with songs as random as mine.  After putting an answer down, I'll admit it, suddenly I was thinking of a large number of songs that would fit for each category.