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Put the ice queens, princesses, witches, monsters, pirates, Doctors, and whatever other costume the kids wore away.  Halloween is almost ove...

Sunday, June 2, 2019

June 2019

Alright, let's see if I can get this done and keep to my self-imposed schedule.  It's been five years since I started this blog and sometimes I manage really well while others I seriously seem to distance myself from it.  This recurring habit is not done on purpose, I swear, but I have a hard time breaking it.  So first, here's the plan without the final titles:

June 2 - the plan for June

June 9 - something related to Father's Day

June 16 - the first episode of the original Charmed for rewatching and finding things that aid in proving that Piper is the strongest of the three

June 23 - Something regarding the summer solstice

June 30 - Typically July is a Camp Nano month so I'll dedicate this to my plans for the work that I'll be working on for the month as well as the July blog plans.  If for whatever reason there is no Camp Nano for July, I'll probably do episode two of the original Charmed

Now that I've outlined the month's blogs for this post I want to explain why I've put in a possibility of two episodes being done.  Netflix currently hosts the new Charmed.  Watching it, I find so long as I've distanced myself from the original, it works.  After the rewatching, I might do a comparing of shows series in which I'll watch the new series and remark on things that can displace avid original Charmed fans because face it, when they rebooted it they made changes to the world of Charmed, but they also threw in some Easter eggs that give you nods to the original series as well.  Many of these may be more visual than they are auditory, but some you have to see and read not just catch a glimpse of and when I do the comparison series I plan to include all of them.  I might manage to miss some of them, but I hope to find just as many as any other fan might have.  Of course, I always would be happy for folks to comment on any that I may have missed, but more about all that if I actually get around to that series.

I do plan to get back to my Hero Creation series in D&D and my cookbook recipe weekly reviews based on the cookbooks I have currently, but there are a lot of things that I'm trying to do both with my writing and in other areas of my life.  So first, I need to get through and be typing up a post on a weekly basis for this blog!  If you have things you want to hear my thoughts on, let me know.  I'll gladly try to get some of them done.  Be safe during the summer months, though and have fun!

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