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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Resolutions Too Soon

It's not even been a full month since the new year started and I've heard radio commercials that basically have declared that you likely won't reach your resolutions for the year.  I find this annoying and disheartening.  When a person makes a New Year's Resolution, they make a promise - if only to themself - that by the end of the year the will be successful in what their goals are.  That means that that person has at least 365 days to meet that goal.

I've never been successful with mine, but that's because I don't like to set goals.  I don't like to be held to a standard I may not be able to keep.  I don't need to lose weight and while I would love to be gung-ho about certain things, I have a husband to think about as well as myself.  I would not be able to just disappear to unknown locations or take time to just ignore things going on around me.  There aren't enough ways to remind people about their resolutions that to me feel as though they aren't trying to perform a complete overhaul or basically intrude in a stranger's life.

I just wish every once in a while that instead of reminding how hard meeting our resolution is or that we've forgotten it or told we've failed already, someone or something would remind us we still have the time or that it's not too late to meet our resolutions or at least make some headway.  Is that too much to ask?

**This should have been the post for this past Sunday, but at least I've posted it!

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