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NaNoWriMo: What is it?

Put the ice queens, princesses, witches, monsters, pirates, Doctors, and whatever other costume the kids wore away.  Halloween is almost ove...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

NaNo Update 1/5

So this is my first NaNo Update as promised.  With only two days of working on this story, I'm already behind on the word count and still have no names for my characters or a title for the story or even a cover, but I have it started.  Seeing as I had to work on day one of the writing marathon and then slept most of today, that's better than I thought I would do.  Now I've given the first update about my NaNo novel writing work, I'm going to return to my story.  trying to hit 1500 before bed tonight, because I've got a nice little list of things I was going to do today (including write for an hour) that just didn't get done, thanks Dreamworld!

For those who are also attempting NaNo, I seriously hope you're doing better, and if you aren't, then get to writing!  It's not that hard if you don't edit, except to add in descriptions, anyways.  Besides, it's only just begun.  There are still twenty-eight days to try to reach 50,000 words and with the virtual write-in on Wednesday, who knows what new things could come out!

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