So the first order of business is that in April we begin two events. The first is Camp NaNoWriMo. Do I plan to participate? Yes. What do I plan to work on? I have yet to decide. Still a little miffed that I can't use my own computer. It's still out of commission thanks to that free Windows 10 upgrade last July. I may restart an earlier project that went missing or continue the project from November. Of course I might work on a whole different project as well. We'll have to see what my muses decide on.
So back in October 2015 Writer's Digest Platform I'm fairly certain I mentioned that I follow Writer's Digest. If I didn't, well, now I am. Anyway, I must admit that I'm not a constant follower, so I don't know every event they promote nor am I aware of all their products and services and blogs. That's actually a little depressing when I think about it. Back to what I was typing originally, though. Apparently it's time for their annual Poem-a-Day competition. For more information on that go to their blog 2016 April PAD Challenge: Guidelines. He even gave a few hints as to what may be asked for.
So here are my plans for these two events. Since I try to post on Sundays, I'll attempt Camp NaNo updates in the mornings throughout the month. My goal is 20,000 words. Perhaps I'll meet that and maybe I'll even finish enough to work on the revising over the next few months. If I end up working on a fanfiction piece, perhaps I'll get it done enough to put it up on a fanfiction site. This means at least five posts. A final post claiming either success or effort filled failure will be made on May 1. For the Poem a Day Challenge I hope to post the poems from each week in a full post on Sunday evening. If not the actual poem then at least give an idea of each poem posted or even links to where that poem is. In fact, the original post gave practice links for three poems as a Wednesday Poem, which if you followed the previous link, I'm certain you managed to find.
The first past practice link given is to a "Don't Forget ___" poem. All I can think of is Demi Lovato's song Don't Forget. That admitted, I did check the post, and here's my attempt on said poem.
Don't Forget the Truth
It's out there somewhere
Hiding around the bend
Retreating in our mind
So we might have
A chance to defend
It's out there somewhere
Between naysayers and do-rights
Leaving breadcrumb trails
And messages in the dark
It's right in front
Just beyond the end of our noses
So obvious bats can see it
So why is we lose it
Hide it, dismiss it, forget it?
Don't Forget the Truth
It's always there, just hidden
It's waiting to be found
To be discovered
To be uncovered
It's always been right there
Comforting us, abetting and aiding
Allowing us our delusions,
Yet remaining unchanged
It's right between lies
It's beyond our noses
It's been hidden in messages
Been left in breadcrumbs
Don't ever forget the truth is always there
So, what do you think? I know it's a strange format, but it just seemed right. Leave some feedback in the comments, I promise I don't mind.
The next is a Valentine poem. He gives two options in the original post, but I found I wanted to do something slightly different. I even checked some of the posts and didn't see this type anywhere, so here it goes.
Valentine's Day
Virtually everyone is aware of
Alienating singles this one day a year
Letting nothing slide in setting this one day up
Even if it's obvious they want
Nothing to do with it
Telling friends and family they're happy alone
Indicating they have other plans that require not being a couple
Not really lying as they go to mixers for singles
Even if they'd rather not hear of the holiday at all
Single is just a status that really works against for the one day
Daring couples find gifts worthy of their other halves
Always unsure if it was worth the money and the hunt
Yet certain when they made the plans that it be perfect
Single - the status they almost wish they had
So there's that one. Again, feedback is always helpful. I don't bite, at least not hard and only if asked, I swear.
The third practice is animal-influenced. This is actually very loose in regards to interpretation. I'm a little glad that I don't have my old works in front of me, because I'd be tempted to use one of them and that's not what this is about. No what this is about is making new works of art, which is what I feel poems are. There is no shortage of animal inspiration so here goes my attempt.
The Brindled Beagle Mix
Snoring Running great
she's just a bit overweight
my pet a canine
So, there's my last one. These are my practices for what begins on April 1(I know to expect some pranks and jokes that day...I'm glad it's not a Sunday!) If you decide to do either of these, let me know! I'm always happy to meet others whose hobbies are the same as mine. Anyway, have a wonderful Easter, or if you celebrate something else, enjoy it as well!