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Sunday, February 6, 2022

2022 Goals

 I know, it's been a really long time since my last post...I promise I'm trying to get on a regular schedule of posting.  One would think that after the number of years I've done this, I'd have it down and could focus on something else, but I don't. It's still a yearly goal for me and all the things that have occurred both globally and personally have not helped.

Another thing I want to get done this year is getting back on track with all the medically-related things we need to have done, including seeing a general practitioner.  This is in part so I can maybe get some mental health checks done because I managed to find a channel completely on accident titled How to ADHD.  On the channel, Jessica McCabe focuses mostly on ADHD and helping to educate both people who may or do have ADHD and those who are caring for people with ADHD in whatever way that may be.  I may not have it, but watching the videos keeps reminding me that I do have a need for mental health, even if it's just someone with whom I can be completely honest within every topic, no matter how unsavory the topic is for me.  Though being checked for ADHD is something I think I should have done.  She does constantly reiterate that she is NOT A DOCTOR when necessary which is likely the reason I keep being reminded that I need to get back to being focused on my personal health, both physical and mental (and with it being February already I'm already behind where I wanted to be which was with appointments scheduled!)

Thirdly, I want to get some of my WIPs completed and published.  This mostly relates to my fanfiction for the publishing side of things but I do have what I'm hoping will eventually be a young adult mystery series that is not fanfiction and is also not going to be full of death, though ghosts likely will make an appearance.  I just miss the mysteries like what Cam Jansen and Encyclopedia Brown would give us.  Yes, there might have been death, but a lot of the older audience mysteries end up surrounding death more often than anything (part of why I think we love the Leverage series so much.  It isn't a murder series, and they even make a point of avoiding killing others, except in the case of a very small number of people, they don't really deal with murder.)  I want to write a series that focuses on things other than murder but is a mystery as well because I'm pretty tired of any mystery I read finishing with death and not a Scooby-Doo ending.

Fourth, finally, get the house in order.  I can't remember if I actually mentioned it in a previous post, but we moved back around the start of July last year.  What this means is that our new home is a mess and not my preferred definition of MESS either (My Everything Situated Serenely, which, because of how regularly this happens, may, but not definitely, be a sign of ADHD, like I typed, though it's not definitely a sign!)

Currently, those are the most important things I want to work on, but yeah there are a few goals for the new year.  Now, for a few things I want to keep doing that I managed to start doing last year...Okay, it's only one thing but it's doing stretches on a daily basis.  It actually does help me to stay focused on things during the day and sleep better at night.  

Some other things that I kind of want to do this year include setting up a bullet journal and taking advantage of my daily calenders to help with creating posts for this blog.  I found two interesting daily calendars when Christmas shopping at Barnes and Noble.  The first is science-related and includes an experiment for people to try.  The other is an "On this Day in History" calendar.  Some of the things in the science one are things that I already knew or feel are written for a younger audience, but seeing as it's based on Bill Nye's book, Bill Nye's Great Big Book of Science.  The history daily calendar has the History Channel logo in the upper right-hand (when looking at the paper) corner.  It isn't focused on US historical events either, so I get to learn about things outside of the country I've been raised and currently live in.

Well, that's it for this post.  I have plans for more posts, but we'll see if I can't actually get them done and posted like I want!

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