I get off work today and check my phone's notifications only to learn that Facebook was down. Now, this typically wouldn't be a problem, except that I use Facebook for a lot of my phone log-ins, but that is not what I wished to harp about, at least not entirely.
See, I realized as I had to relog into a vast number of my apps, despite having them linked to my Google account, that a vast majority of the ones I logged into through Facebook were because it was easier at the time, so now I'm having to try to find ways to make certain that I'm not out of those particular apps if Facebook ever goes down again, because let's face it: Facebook will go down again. It could be 25 years from now or it could be tomorrow, but it will happen.
Despite that, I still find myself relying on my Facebook login because for me it's a habit. It's a habit that I'm beyond comfortable with and that is what makes this so much worse. I couldn't play Pokemon Go! because I couldn't remember my Trainer Club log-in credentials and my Google account is linked to a different Go! account from the days when you couldn't just link the accounts together, and I've been too lazy to deal with it. On top of that, I feared access to other media accounts would be either restricted or not possible, but of the ones I use fairly regularly, none were affected.
Thank you to who- or whatever took down Facebook for not affecting Discord, my main socializing platform! Also, a lot of fandom reliant sites were unaffected, which is really great for those who use them, so just a reminder despite everything, that there are always alternatives to when lemons are the only fruit you seem to have.
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