They get there early
receive little to no appreciation
these bastions of the office
Constantly present
They mop and vacuum
water the plants
stock supplies and even
clean the toilets
They dust and polish
every room
They have an office
and closets are numerous
They don't get recognition
though they keep those offices going
For how could the workers get by
without coffee, tea, or seeing the sky
So if you work in an office
Remember the ones
that work behind the scenes
your maintenance staff
On Tuesday, once again, we received a two-for prompt. The first 2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 19 prompt was to write a "cool" poem, while the second was it's opposite: an "uncool" poem. We weren't given any qualifiers or expansions on these, so temperature versus fads versus whatever you think would be cool or uncool. It leaves for a lot of interpretation.
They claimed we would never be cool
Games would never be in
That knowledge while power
would remain epically uncool
They never saw Gates nor did they
realize their claims would set in motion
a revolution that was fought
Though not in typical fashion
We flooded our own conventions
We refused to hide our pride
We proved that it didn't matter
Nerds and Geeks may have once been uncool
Then they rose to the forefront
Became stars in every realm
Actress mathematicians and gamer action stars
Nerds and Geeks are now an expected cool
I know, but I couldn't keep from doing another poem dealing with "nerd culture." I keep hoping to find one that is actually prompted...I think it would be a unique set of poems. There are so many that would either be completely against things within said culture, or that would be the culture's steadfast guardians, that I truly think it would be a phenomenal group of poems!
2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 20 we were prompted to write a poem about things unsaid. Such a huge expanse again to choose from!
There are words never spoken
lest it's too late
for any true meaning
to be derived
There are events never mentioned
hidden in the annals of history
be it for our safety or to keep
us from destroying everything else
There are names never given
for the lives too short
nor are there books writ
for the journeys to bored
No matter where one goes
there is hidden messages
in the silence surrounding
The Unsaid
Apparently, Wednesday was another holiday day. Poem in your Pocket Day gave us the idea for 2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 21 prompt which was to write a response poem. Brewer even gave us a few poems that we could respond to if we were having problems working on it. I decided to make mine in response to one of my earlier poems. This particular poem can be found in my post April 2016 Poetry A Day: Week 2/5. Why don't you guess which one?
Time has passed
some have left
it's not so hard to know
whose new and whose old
The bumblers and stumblers
have either left or entertained
having fun the whole way
learning as they go
Experience helped but
didn't really matter
for their enthusiasm made
it hard to see them go
It took quite some time to figure this poem out which is why this post is going to be late being published. Sorry, but apparently my muse refuses to be rushed!
The prompt for 2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 22 was to write a "Star _______" poem. He gave some examples but all I could think of was:
they said I wasn't going anywhere
they claimed I should give up
I chose not to listen
And now I've a mess to clean up
It doesn't worry me any
It makes me strive even more
I keep wondering why
they think I need something else
I'm always starting something new
Something that catches my eye
It never gets finished
I hit a snag every time
I lose a random chapter
or find it doesn't flow
My muse has gone missing
and with it my willpower
But now I'm going back
To those unfinished projects
I'll restart them this time
Keeping the old as reference
I'll start each project anew
I'll study what went wrong
I'll stick it to my naysayers
And I'll finish them this time
The poem kind of stole my fingers and hijacked me while I typed it, but that's why I'm here. So the stories and words that need expressing will hopefully be expressed. Thank goodness there's a title!
2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 23 prompted us to write about footwear. If not making it the star, at least mention footwear somewhere in the poem.
Just when I thought things couldn't be better
They got terribly worse
I had no sweet boots or
striking sandals
There lay no comfy sneakers
or worn-in flip-flops
Just a pair of too small pumps
or work boots needing lacing
Why can't we roam barefoot
feel grass beneath our feet
enjoy a sudden dip in a puddle
Let our feet breathe
But no, when we go out
they need protection
from the bees and the gravel
from the heated sun or frozen snow
The title wasn't really that surprising to me, to be utterly honest. The take the poem took did since I wanted to highlight on being barefoot instead of wearing shoes or really any kind of footwear, not even socks! The poem however decided on a different flow. Hope you enjoyed it! I must admit though, I almost tried to make it a Doctor Who tribute. Figuring out all the pieces of footwear just the Doctors wear would tire me out though! Although, I guess I could have thrown the term Sand Shoes in and most fans would have gotten it.
2016 April PAD Challenge: Day 24 is the last Sunday for the poem a day challenge. I'm hoping you've been enjoying mine and following the links to enjoy some others and perhaps even try your own hand. The prompt for this particular Sunday was to write a lost and regained poem. It's tempting to include the saying of letting what you love and if it's truly love or if it love's you it'll return but it just didn't feel right for this particular piece.
The time is past
when it was seen as
cute or adorable
Now we get to pass that on
to the youth who happen
to be one half us
Next week is the last week. The last of the poems and a quick overview of personal feelings during this particular journey.