At exactly midnight, several people of varying ages around the world will stop with a majority of the rest of the world with one goal in mind - to write fifty thousand(50,000) words by midnight on November 30. They only have from the moment Halloween is officially ended to write or type up the story they've chosen to focus on. Why? Because everyone has a story to tell and the world can always use another novel.
So a nonprofit organization was created and titled National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. The goal of the organization is to inspire and motivate writers to complete a 50,000 word "novel" in thirty days. There is no cost to try and in joining their website there's no telling how many writing buddies you may make if you go to write-ins and follow the virtual ones.
Since writing is such a solitary occupation and can often take the place or at least interfere with real life, this organized yet flexible way to connect with writers around the globe is pretty awesome. For more information on NaNoWriMo itself, check out their website. Otherwise, I will now inform on what few plans I have involving NaNoWriMo for the month of November.
You can check out my page and add me as a writing buddy if you so choose for more detailed information. So far I have a general idea that was inspired by the duet of Joliene done by two members of Team Gwen on the Voice. Then, as I was walking to do some shopping, I started thinking about how envious we all are which lent itself to further aiding me in planning the story out. My biggest issue is likely not losing all these ideas when they hit during NaNoWriMo what with Thanksgiving and birthdays and work and getting ready for winter and the rest of its holidays. Don't worry though.
I've committed myself to complete this story even if I don't have names for my characters or a title for the novel and am conspicuously missing a cover image for same said novel. In fact, I picked up a Caliber brand Memo Pad complete with pen at CVS for only $5 and made certain I have a recording device on my phone.
Every Sunday I plan to type up a "NaNo Update." This means there will be five. There likely won't be much in the way of information on the first one. I will, however, inform on general story breakthroughs (the character based off the song, whom I've been referring to as Joliene, has claimed that that is "so totally not my name in any way shape or form" which in a way is a good thing since I hope my niece by the same name doesn't become a man- or woman-eater!) as well as if interesting events occurred during write-ins. Hopefully these blogs will help keep me on track!