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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Some Song Fun

So this showed up on my Facebook feed and I decided to use it for a blog.  I did use the internet after coming up with a song title, mostly so I could find a YouTube video for the song for readers who maybe aren’t aware of the song.  While I was trying to come up with these, I was listening to a video regarding ancestry so that may have helped gear my answers or possibly not.  After all, it wasn’t talking about music.  I may even have taken a break to do other things when I hit a wall thinking of song titles since I have issues remembering titles.

OK music lovers! This is fun, but hard! Answer each category with a song title. No repeats and don’t use the internet (it's tempting, but try not to). Go with the first song that comes to mind or fill in your favorites. Copy/paste then change the answers to your own (can’t steal mine). 🎶

Something to wear – Blue Suede Shoes (Elvis Presley)
Something to drink – Whiskey Lullaby (Duet can’t remember the artists)
An Animal - Hound Dog (Elvis Presley)
A Number   9 to 5 (Dolly Parton)
A Color   Red (Taylor Swift)
A Girl’s Name   Boy Named Sue (can’t remember)
A Boy’s Name   Danny Boy (unknown)
A Profession  The Gambler (Kenny Rogers)
A Flower- Edelweiss (unknown is in Sound of Music)
Day of the Week – Last Friday Night (Katy Perry)

So, it was definitely harder than I thought and I only got that last one because I started to listen to music videos on YouTube while trying to figure out what song I knew had a day of the week in it and at the same time of Last Friday Night, I thought of Rebecca Black’s Friday…I did happen to think of the country song IndependenceDay, but it calls for a day of the week, so I felt it wouldn’t actually count.  If you decide to give it an attempt, have fun.  I hope you come up with songs as random as mine.  After putting an answer down, I'll admit it, suddenly I was thinking of a large number of songs that would fit for each category.

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