At this point in time, I'm still around 12000 words short of the daily goals, but that's partly due to my inability to type quickly, without correcting mistakes, and with only one hand. Each of the write-ins I've listened to (listening to the ones from yesterday at the current moment) have been incorporated into my story if I chose to write for the write-in. I know it's still not much of an update, but at least it's something right?
Oh! I almost forgot! I have two names for the story determined for certain. There was a list that included random names of the main female character's past lovers while speaking with a man that she's interested in, but some of the names are likely to change. The name of the Man-Eater's first victim was decided as it came to me suddenly and The Voice keeps giving me inspiration for this story. If it didn't keep giving me the perfect pieces of inspiration, I'd probably put a stop to watching it until NaNo's done.
The reason why I have to say that is that while the Jolene duet gave the premise for the start of the story, it's singers are the inspiration at least look-wise for the first and last targets to be "stolen" from. Then Gwen gave Craig a make-over and it was perfect for the final "stolen" man. I almost determined his name at that moment. Of course it's only their first names, so there are still a lot of names needing to be determined, and some that may change.
How about you? How far along are you in your NaNo goals. Do you have information that just isn't forthcoming from your characters or hit a roadblock already?
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