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Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Real Protagonist of The New Girl

 So recently I noticed that the YouTube Channel The Take had a video about The New Girl: New Girl - Why Jess Isn't Really the Protagonist.  Just the title drew me in.  I liked what little I had seen of The New Girl before this, but right from the start, I never considered this series to be about Jess in and of herself, but rather the lives she changes after she hit a low point in her own life.  From this point on, let it be known there will be spoilers about early seasons, but I have yet to watch the entire show so this may not be as comprehensive as I may have wanted it to be. (And yes, I know I need to get back to my ReWatching Charmed posts...I will, too, eventually!)

When we first meet Jess she has all the earmarks of the typical quirky, weird, growing into themselves protagonist.  She just got out of a bad relationship which causes a major change in her life.  She's seen as someone that may not be typically seen as someone to be romantically involved in and be proud of that fact, like I already mentioned - she's weird by society's standards.  I mean she's trying to surprise her boyfriend and instead walks in on a surprise that makes her breakdown, but after finding a new place (complete with roommates) and a pep talk from her supermodel best friend (I wish I had a friendship like those two have!) she manages to pick herself up and continue on.  In fact, in a way it reminds me of shows like Full House, Step By Step, Seinfeld, Boy Meets World, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  There are plenty more, but what it boils down to is that the series is a more modern sitcom.

There are definite instances of overarching storylines in The New Girl but the title follows Jess as she interacts with others.  A few other characters make up the rest of the main group and honestly, it's more like a new generation's Friends but with more attention to a cohesive timeline.  The series may seem to target Jess as the lead character and protagonist in the theme song, but she's not.  Jess doesn't have a huge character personality change that she goes through because as she put it in one memorable part despite everything that makes her weird she's still "smart and tough and strong!"

So what is The New Girl actually all about?  It's the relationships that surround Jess and that she becomes enmeshed in.  The guys in the loft that accept her as her new roommate and even her best friend all need to go through changes.  They all have character arcs that must change, but Jess is very much aware of who she is and what she wants.  

So, technically I agree with the title of the video: Jess is not the protagonist, but in this case, a protagonist is not necessary.  The reason is that the story is about how Jess manages to affect others, not about how others affect her.