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Put the ice queens, princesses, witches, monsters, pirates, Doctors, and whatever other costume the kids wore away.  Halloween is almost ove...

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Litany of Descendants' Queen of Mean

So, I've finally managed to watch all three Descendants movies and I've found that while I loved both of the first two movies' intro songs, I loved a different song in Descendants 3 - Queen of Mean.

Don't get me wrong, I love all of the Descendants movie songs.  Rotten to the Core and Ways to Be Wicked are my favorites from their respective movies, but of all the songs I'd say Queen of Mean is something girls and guys can relate to.  And if you don't know what the Descendants franchise is about, it's literally the children of various Disney characters.

The thing is that while I love the majority of the musical numbers, somehow there's a difference when it comes to Queen of Mean.  A part of it is definitely the music style.  It's got close to a rap or hip-hop beat in the background (I can honestly say I don't care about what the differences in genres actually are, if I like something, I like it.  If I don't, then I don't.)

The first movie had set up with a fun song to start and explain and songs that gave that the nostalgia of the original movies without keeping to the old music scores.  Some of the songs I didn't care for as much, but that's likely more to do with the mood I was in personally than the songs themselves.  

When Ways To Be Wicked first became available for viewing people noted things that once the movie was available to be certain about the reason for it made sense.  After all, it ended up being a dream, but the lyrics could easily be related to the VKs (Villain Kids).

The third movie's opening sequence however left me with feelings that I've been wrestling with for a very long time - that of being compared to others.  It felt like they were saying where you came from and what you had does matter because getting privileges is about who you know and what you can manipulate rather than what you have ability-wise for yourself.  So when Queen of Mean came on later, it showed that even when you think someone has what they want or what you think they want, there's a chance they don't.

Don't get me wrong, Good to Be Bad is a good song in its own right and fits the story.  The beat makes me want to get up and dance.  It just makes me think back to when I'd attempt things and be either berated or treated like it didn't matter.  At least when watching in the movie.  On its own, I love this song.
Basically, of all the different songs available related to the Descendants franchise, Queen of Mean is likely to be and remain my favorite.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

25 HoliDays of Winter: an Interrupted Series

 I had truly meant to keep up with watching Winter/Christmas Movies, but suddenly the power steering in our car went out.  Upon taking it to the mechanic, we learned it was an issue with an electrical component, and got a quick fix until we could take it back for a proper fit.  I would have continued on the original plan, but we've had various health and home issues crop up and further issues with our car - had to replace the whole steering column instead of just the one component.  So I will try this again in 2021, starting on December 1!  Hope everyone else has been having a wonderful past few months despite all the other things going on!