So if you haven't heard, then you must have been hibernating. Covid-19. Coronavirus. Pandemic. It's sad, but we have a global crisis that is affecting people right now instead of trying to prevent the long-range effects of other global problems. In a year when we look back at this, we'll likely be surprised at just how little we were prepared and how many cases there were before people realized that just a little common sense could have prevented some of them. Not all of them, but those who are healthy to begin with and with all the issues with salmonella and the Ebola virus, you'd think people would have gotten the hint to take better personal hygiene measures. I know there are people who likely think it wastes their time to wash their hands after using the restroom before returning to work or that because their pet is an indoor pet they don't need to wash their hands before eating, but guess what. The circumstances DON'T MATTER! It's just common sense to wash your hands after working in the garden, taking out the trash, using the restroom, or playing with your pets. If you regularly deal with folks who are more susceptible to illness, you should be even more conscientious about it.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about in this post. We've learned more about the virus, though not as much as we maybe think we should have learned. No, what I wanted to talk about was ways to stave off boredom if you have to stay at home 24/7. I'm sure you can think of some, but you'll likely get on the family's nerves if you're someone who needs social interaction. To that, all I can say is that the internet is your friend. It may not be skin to skin or in the type of interaction you feel you need, but as little as 20 years ago, this wouldn't have been possible. In fact, I know that the introverts would be beyond ready to strangle the extrovert by the end of the first day - try being grounded with your more extroverted siblings. Trust me if I wasn't wearing myself out trying to fit in with the extroverts, I was trying not to physically attack them, partly because I knew I'd lose! For many introverts, this is a dream come true. Forced isolation with limited outside interaction. For some, it's a way to recharge the social batteries without stepping on anyone's feelings of rejection.
So, catch up on shows that you've been putting off. Read books or fanfiction that interests you. Write those stories or poems or songs that keep running through your head. Get back to the gaming that you were forced to stop because you had to work. Stop putting off those DIY projects that you keep putting off because you're too tired. Clean up your garden. I could probably keep listing things off. If you have Mistplay, Coin Pop, or another app that earns you money by playing other games, take advantage of them while you might be stuck at home. Put together some new music videos or parodies. You'll get some views just because it's something different. Use up the items you've been freezing but forgetting to thaw.
But as I mentioned, I'm sure you're already finding these things out for yourself. Dusting off the board games and pulling out cards to play some Solitaire, Crazy Eights, Monopoly, etc. I hope you aren't forgetting to keep an eye out for others who might need some encouragement through these times. I'm not really talking to those who were hardcore gamers before this happened since most of them were likely aware of how to keep themselves occupied even if they happen to be extroverts; the same is true of the bookworms and authors out there. So remember in these times there are plenty of ways to reach out if you need to. Also, try to keep yourself safe and healthy!